Blackburn bartender clapping
It's All About Race Roadshow

WOW we did it! 47 restaurants, 3 weeks and 18 incredible facilitators who all hit the road to deliver a thought-provoking & engaging workshop called It's All About Race! 

The session aimed to give our teams a greater understanding of different forms of racism so that we are all able to identify it and stamp it out. We had brave conversations about Race, Racism and how we can all become Anti-Racists. We had some amazing ah-ha moments and some fantastic discussions with our Teams. 

An incredible team of Equality and Inclusion allies helped deliver the training - meet the team below.

We hope that the workshop allowed our teams to learn, to have brave, open and honest conversations about Race and Racism with each other and our guests.

Throughout 2023, we want to continue our journey of becoming an Anti-Racist business and this roadshow is only the beginning. We can't wait to continue having these important conversations and making a change as a Team. 

Make sure to check out our social channels to follow us on this journey and keep up to date with our progress. 

Check out some of the amazing photos from the roadshows below!