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Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental Health Awareness Week

The 9th-15th May marks Mental Health Awareness Week UK, lead by the Mental Health Foundation. The week focuses on giving everyone the opportunity to achieve good mental health. Each year, the foundation picks a specific theme and this year, the theme is loneliness. The week will explore the experience of loneliness, its effect on our mental health and how we can all play a part in reducing loneliness in our communities.

We’d like to share our 5 Top Tips this week to help reduce loneliness and improve mental health:

  1. Spend time with friends: Limin’…It’s one of our favourite things to do! Limin’ is hanging out with good friends, good food, good drinks and just soaking up the vibe. There’s no hurry, no worry, just good times.

  2. Listen to some feel-good tunes: Bob Marley once said, ‘One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.’ So why not get up and move to the beat? Dance like no one’s watching! Here, we’ve even made a playlist to get things started…

  3. Treating yourself: Remember to treat yourself for your hard work, you deserve it! Buy that outfit you’ve been wanting or order your favourite takeaway!

  4. Learn a new skill: Why not try something new? Learning a new skill can be so rewarding and can do wonders for our wellbeing. Why not try a new recipe or even a new game that you can play with friends? Dominos is one of the most popular board games across the islands, check it out here.

  5. Get outside: We all wish we could be in the Caribbean, soaking up the sunshine…but believe it or not, you can get that mood boost in the UK too! Spending some time outside and getting fresh air can be so good for our wellbeing. And the sun is starting to come out now!

Meet our amazing Wellbeing Champions!

Here at Turtle Bay, mental health is so important to us. We understand that the hospitality industry can sometimes be an overwhelming environment, and we want to make sure our teams feel supported. That’s why we’ve really invested in our Wellbeing Plan with the launch of our Wellbeing Champions’ network. We have 50 Wellbeing Champions at Turtle Bay who are supporting our teams and receiving a series of training workshops.

Our Wellbeing Champions have all completed the first session of their training on Mental Health First Aid, and are continuing workshops throughout the year that focus on the 4 pillars of health – emotional, social, financial and physical.

A big thank you to our amazing Wellbeing Champions!

Wellbeing Champions