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walking for Welbeing

walking for Welbeing

Our Journey with Hospitality Action

Last year, Turtle Bay proudly participated in the "Walk for Wellbeing" campaign, partnering with Hospitality Action. This charity initiative was especially significant as Hospitality Action provides crucial support services for those in the hospitality industry facing setbacks. From physical illness and mental health challenges to financial difficulties and addiction, Hospitality Action stands as a lifeline for many, making our involvement even more meaningful.

Why We Walked

In the bustling world of hospitality, mental health and wellbeing often take a backseat. Walk for Wellbeing aimed to change that by bringing people together to promote better mental health across our industry while supporting Hospitality Action’s vital work. We knew that this campaign could make a real difference in our team’s lives and those of countless others in the industry.

What We Did

To ensure widespread participation, we challenged our teams across all Turtle Bay restaurants to walk a total of 60km as a team per restaurnt and raise funds throughout October. Whether it was team walks, solo strolls, or counting steps during a busy Saturday shift, everyone got involved. The result? An impressive 1800 miles walked and £8000 raised. Our Turtle Bay family showed incredible spirit and dedication.

The Impact

Participating in Walk for Wellbeing had a profound impact on our team. It provided a much-needed break from the high-energy environment of our restaurants and offered a chance to focus on personal wellbeing. Many team members found walking to be a perfect way to clear their minds and find peace. The camaraderie and the opportunity to engage in a relaxing activity outside of work were highly appreciated. Some team members have even continued their weekly walks, inspired by the campaign’s positive influence.

We're excited to participate again this year and continue supporting the essential work of Hospitality Action while fostering a healthier, happier team. Here’s to more steps, more smiles, and a stronger sense of community at Turtle Bay!